Desserts & Sweet Treats Morning Things Recipes Sweet

Peanut Butter Granola

I will spare you another rant about the splendors of my morning Greek yogurt and granola. But I promise you: the recipe is simple, the ingredients are easily tailored, and your kitchen will smell like an oatmeal cookie factory when it’s all said and done.

In my previous granola post, I combined cranberries, almonds, and coconut. This time around, the bulk aisle at Whole Foods beckoned. Okay, so Whole Foods is no Trader Joe’s when it comes to cost. But the bulk aisle is a diamond in the rough. I filled a big bag with rolled oats and pepitas (pumpkin seeds) for less than $1. And for a handful of dates? $.41. I’ve deemed this batch my peanut butter and jelly granola. Enjoy!

Peanut Butter Granola with Dates and Pepitas


1.5 cups of rolled oats

1/4 cup of pepitas

1 tablespoon of butter

1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/3 cup of dried cranberries, chopped

1/2 cup of dates, pitted and chopped

1/3 cup of water

1 tablespoon of peanut butter

*Optional: 1 tablespoon of flax seed meal.

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Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine dried fruit, pepitas, and oats in a large bowl. In a saute pan, melt together butter, water, peanut butter, and cinnamon.

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When peanut butter has fully dissolved, pour liquid mixture over dry oat mix. This granola will seem a bit mushier prior to baking. Don’t worry! It comes out extra crunchy.

Cover a cookie sheet with foil and use a spoon to spread granola evenly across baking sheet.

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Place in oven for 20 minutes, stirring 2-3 times throughout the bake. Remove after 20 minutes or when granola seems fully dried.

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Let cool, open to the air, for 20-30 minutes. Granola should be hardened and flavorful! Enjoy!



Food lover and minimalist cook finding harmony in the kitchen.

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